Hallowe'en Haunted Maze

This Hallowe’en we put together a “haunted maze”, or really a short, winding tour through my sister’s back yard. I’ve always wanted to put together a haunted house, and as a kid I loved visiting... The weekend before Hallowe’en I brought all the props over to Jenn’s and I spray painted them with various grays and a rock texture. We had a few hay bails, which will be used to plant garlic, that... We finished carving, sticking, hanging, lighting, and positioning everything just in time for our first little cowboy trick-or-treater. I rushed on some makeup with a vague idea of a grim reaper,... The whole thing was very well received, by kids and parents alike. We had a line all the way out to the street at some points. Kids would come back a second time, not even to get candy, but to...
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A Wonderful Weekend

L and I spent yesterday out casually cycling and trail-walking in the shallows of Gatineau Park, then lounging in the dappled shade under a tree in one of L’s favourite local parks. L painted the... On Saturday we biked to our favourite doughnut spot, SuzyQ, and ate our bounty lounging on a picnic blanket in a park around the corner. We also finally made it to La Fiesta Latina, a fantastic...
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