So today was my cousin's wedding. Lots of drinking, lots of sitting and standing and clapping, lots of talking to people I rarely ever speak to or spoke to for the first time.

The reception had two open bars. We all took advantage of it very well. One of my cousins got absolutely plastered. He was trying to convince me that MMA and UFC were art. He has a casino related website and makes more than I do, and he's 20 or so. Damn.

I don't think Laura and I could throw the kind of party Eric did. It's just not in us. We don't appreciate the kind of party that costs thousands of dollars to host, let alone have enough guests to invite to such a thing.

We have the love and we have the stories, though.

I miss Laura very much. She hasn't contacted me for two days now, but I assume she just hasn't been able to find Internet, or the time to e-mail me. I hope she's having fun with her family! We both attended weddings today, on different continents!

Jenn, Simon, and I, as we walked back to the hotel from the banquet hall, maybe 15 minutes walk or so, were stopped by a police officer. The issue being, essentially, that we were walking in Mississauga. Ridiculous. Everyone drives here. You drive to your friggin' mail box here. Simon and I don't even have licenses, and I was the only one with ID, none of which is valid in Ontario. I couldn't buy beer earlier because they don't accept Quebec health cards.

Apparently I snored last night as well, making a trio of noisy snorers, keeping all of us awake except my dad. He's at it again right now.