The Montreal Indies Meetup, which Stephen and his friend organized, went quite well. I created a temporary blog for the project and hopefully soon there’ll be a name for it. After that a proper domain, and then monthly meetings. This could lead to co-working spaces and indie game publishing and all sorts of wonderful, exciting stuff.

Got my federal tax return. It was only $550, but it’s definitely helping us stay afloat. Laura is likely to get the job in Ottawa, doing the Canadian Museums Association (or whatever the name is) website.

Laura and I started on a Threadless design today. It is absolutely adorable so far. I would love to be able to churn these out, and be churning out winners.

I need to start getting to bed earlier. I like this time of night so much though. Some times it’s even productive, but that’s rather rare, and probably exclusively non-profit.

We started watching Pushing Daisies season 2, lent to us by Carolina Plano. The show is so magical. The incredibly obvious CG and blue screening has a kind of quaint, endearing feeling to it. It’s stylized just enough to show that it’s not trying to be realistic, it’s trying to be surreal, just like the show is.

I think Jordan Mechner’s old journal from the Prince of Persia production time, circa 1989-92, has really affected my thought patterns lately. I developed a kind of wanderlust which I’ve never before had. Also a sensitivity to the surroundings of my workspace.